Labor administration in Romania
Are you in Romania as a third country national looking for a job? Most likely at some point you will be forced to interact with one of the institutions of the Romanian state that has competences in the field of labor market administration. In other words, it is very important to know your rights and responsibilities.
First, I.G.I. is an institution subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior, part of the Romanian administration. Main attributions of I.G.I. are closely related to the phenomenon of population immigration.
The activity of the General Inspectorate for Immigration is a public service. It operates in the interest of individuals and the community, supporting state institutions, exclusively under the terms of the law and for the enforcement of the law.
In short, you will most likely refer to this institution regarding your right of residence in Romania.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity
In short, it is very likely that you will relate to this institution in order to obtain the necessary approvals regarding access to the labor market and implicitly to be able to keep your right of residence in Romania
This ministry is organized and functions as a specialized body of the central public administration, subordinate to the Government. First of all, this ministry has the role of synthesis and coordination of the application of the Government’s strategy and policies in the area of work. At the same time, this institution, as part of the administration of the Romanian city, also has attributions related to the coordination of policies regarding the family, equal opportunities and, last but not least, social protection.
Consequently, this institution is responsible for regulating and controlling the labor market and working conditions
ARCA supports refugees and migrants
You too can get help. Our NGO offers support in the relationship with the local or government administration
Don’t be afraid and don’t be ashamed to ask for help. We are an NGO that helps migrants and refugees since 1998. We can offer you support for a better relationship with institutions in Romania. Regardless of whether we are talking about the central administration or the local administration.
Understanding the terminology in the administrative and institutional framework can ease your effort
Because you have to interact with different government institutions, we think it is useful to understand the terminology. This is important because there are different legal statutes regarding the stay in Romania. That’s why we set out to provide you with a glossary to help you.
The person who does not have Romanian citizenship, regardless of whether he has another citizenship or not.
The foreigner holder of a temporary residence permit issued by the Authority for Foreigners.
The foreigner holder of a permanent residence permit issued by The Authority for Foreigners.
The foreigner who no longer has the right of residence in Romania but who, for objective reasons he cannot leave the territory of Romania. These foreigners have a "residence permit" in Romania.
The foreigner who has expressed his will to obtain some form of protection in Romania, as long as his request has not been resolved by an irrevocable decision.
Persons who, at the end of the asylum procedure, obtained one of the following forms of protection:
1. refugee status.
2. subsidiary protection.
3. temporary protection.
Refugee = recognized refugee = person with refugee status.
The foreigner who is granted the form of protection called "refugee status" because he meets the conditions provided by the Geneva Convention of 1951 regarding the status of refugees.
The foreigner who is granted the form of protection called "subsidiary protection" on the basis of reasons other than those provided for in the 1951 Convention.
This form of protection is granted by the Romanian state to people who come from conflict zones, during periods of armed conflicts in which Romania is not involved.
In the relationship with the institutions and the administration, it is important to know what your state is
Refugees are persons who, following justified fears of being persecuted due to race, religion, nationality, belonging to a certain social group or political opinions, are outside the country of which they have citizenship and who cannot or, due to this fear , I do not want the protection of this country; or who, having no citizenship and being outside the country where they had their usual residence, as a result of such events cannot or, due to that fear, do not want to return. (Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, 1951).
Persecution generally refers to any severe violation of human rights. In the context of refugees, persecution refers to any act by which fundamental rights are severely violated due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion or belonging to a certain social group.
Subsidiary protection can be granted to the foreigner who does not meet the conditions for the recognition of refugee status and for whom there are good reasons to believes that, in case of return to the country of origin, he will be subject to a serious risk and who cannot or because of this risk does not want the protection of this country.
Serious risk means:
Conviction to the death penalty or the execution of such a penalty;
Torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
A serious, individual threat to life or integrity, as a result of generalized violence in situations of internal or international armed conflict, if the applicant is part of the civilian population.
Similar terms: subsidiary protection (term used in Law no. 122/2006 on asylum, which entered into force in August 2006) = conditional humanitarian protection (terminology used in OG 102/2000 regarding the status and regime of refugees in Romania).