We believe that work integration is essential for refugees
Work integration of third country nationals
The right to work is an essential right, and even if it is not considered a fundamental human right, every human being has the right to human working conditions
Romania, as an EU member state, guarantees the right to work, including for foreign citizens
If you are in Romania and looking for a job, you will most likely have to interact with some institutions

The right to work in Romania
In Romania, the right to humane working conditions is guaranteed, a right regulated by the labor code. Every person who has a job has rights and duties.

The General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) is a specialized structure of the central public administration in Romania that aims to prevent and combat illegal immigration.

Ministry of Labour
The Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity functions under the Government, having a role in the implementation of policies in the fields of: work, equal opportunities, social protection.

E.U. Commission
The European Commission (EC) is part of the executive of theEU. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission headed by a President
About Arca
Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants
We offer free part-time study programs for learning Romanian, English or Russian
We offer support for social integration, including financial support for social cases
We offer free vocational counseling and we ensure the relationship with employers in order to find you a job
We organize cultural events in which refugees and migrants as well as the local community can take part
We offer free legal advice for refugees and migrants regardless of their country of origin
Do you want work in Romania?
Find Out Answers Here

Of course. Arca Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants is an NGO that aims to offer a helping hand to all migrants and refugees who arrive in Romania so that they can have a better tomorrow than yesterday. We can offer you advice in Romanian, English, Ukrainian and Parsi, and for certain problems you can even receive support and assistance, for that you can contact us, you will find our details in the contact section.
Of course, as an EU member country, Romania grants the right to work to all citizens, from the EU or from abroad, who wish to perform legal activities in one form or another.
The answer to this question largely depends on a number of aspects that concern you. It depends on what education you have, what qualifications and skills you have, the field in which you are looking for a job and the expectations you have from a job. We can tell you, however, that in 2023 in Romania the unemployment rate was approximately 5.4%, but in the big cities (Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta, Craiova) the demand for labor is high. So, in principle, there are very high chances of finding a job, even one that is not necessarily the job you dreamed of, but a job that can provide for your needs during your stay and allow you to you evolve in your career.
About staying in Romania
It depends on the legal form you have, for example the residence visa in Romania allows you to stay for a maximum of 90 days, while a work permit can give you the right to stay on the territory of Romania for a much longer period. Through this page, we will provide you with the necessary information to understand what your rights and duties are during your stay in Romania.
Of course, Romanian citizenship can be obtained but only under certain conditions, for example for people who were not born in Romania or who do not have Romanian parents, they must reside under the terms of the law on the territory of the Romanian state for at least 8 years or, and if he is married and cohabits with a Romanian citizen, for at least 5 years from the date of marriage to be able to apply for citizenship. But in order to receive it, a foreign citizen will have to meet other conditions.